Colorado: Swing State in Name Only

Colorado: Swing State in Name Only

Imagine, for just a moment, a state where ballot measures to legalize recreational marijuana, increase the minimum wage, and limit campaign contributions at the state level have passed with strong majorities. A state where for the better part of a decade, population growth in urban counties has vastly outpaced that of more rural, and traditionally conservative, counties. For this is the political reality in Colorado. It’s simply not a swing state, or at least not by any reasonable definition of the term.

A True Toss-Up in Florida

A True Toss-Up in Florida

It has been almost 100 years since a Republican has won the presidency without winning the state of Florida. This trend is likely to continue as incumbent Donald Trump finds himself in dire need of a win in Florida if he is to secure reelection.

A Swing State Emerges: The 2020 Presidential Toss-Up in Georgia

A Swing State Emerges: The 2020 Presidential Toss-Up in Georgia

Since the 2016 election, Georgia has seen changes in the demographics of its voters. The electorate has become more diverse with a growing percentage of young and minority voters. Minority groups in Georgia consistently show higher preference and voting records for Democratic candidates than they do for Republican candidates, giving a significant new edge to Biden.

It’s Back to Blue for Maine’s 2nd Congressional District

It’s Back to Blue for Maine’s 2nd Congressional District

As the largest district east of the Mississippi, Maine’s 2nd congressional district leans Republican but is not reliably red … What makes this swing district so unpredictable is its independent streak, yet in 9 of the past 12 presidential elections, the 2nd district has backed the White House winner, including the last three.