by Kendall Curlee | May 10, 2021 | Advice/Tips, Careers, J.William Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences, Journalism, Political science, Pre-Law
On LinkedIn, you can view a law school’s page and see University of Arkansas alumni who attend! I used this feature to connect with students at the schools I was interested in … I also connected with attorneys who practice the type of law I hope to practice.
by ht005 | Mar 22, 2021 | Internships, Marketing, Political science, Pre-Law
It was a unique experience because interns do not typically get as much facetime with the congressman and the staff as I did. I learned more than I could have ever imagined by sitting in on interviews, phone calls, and even watching votes on the House floor.
by Nathan Smith | Aug 21, 2019 | Careers
Interested in getting some hands-on experience in communications? If you are a graduate student (or graduate-student-to-be), a fluent writer/creative sort, and enjoy posting to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc., then this may be the part-time job for you. This job...
by Kendall Curlee | Apr 1, 2019 | Art History, Careers, Forum, Museum
In this latest post from one of the “Museum 12” who participated in our Museum forum, Sydney Nichols unpacks the new entrance gallery to Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art. She responds to the unorthodox mix of portraits, affirms the impact of...
by Kendall Curlee | Mar 27, 2019 | Art History, Careers, Forum, Museum
In this post, the first of several drafted by participants in the Honors College Forum: Museum, art history major Jackson Williams discusses the first big task for the “Museum 12”: drafting a new mission statement for Crystal Bridges.
by klw038 | Oct 3, 2018 | Careers, On Campus
Do you have big ideas for the Honors College? Have you ever wanted to see the “inner workings” of higher education administration? Would you like enviable offices, shelves upon shelves of medieval literature, and the title of “head honcho” here in Gearhart Hall?...