The Desert of the Mind
“Listen carefully, my son, to the master’s instructions, and attend to them with the ear of your heart.” These are the first lines of The Rule of St. Benedict, a 6th-century guide to monastic life. The Rule encourages discipline and asceticism, and this begins, as...
Ghost Hunting: A Story in Three Acts
Dr. Misty Bastian’s honors intersession course Ghost Hunting was an unforgettable, interdisciplinary foray into the anthropology of the otherworld. Fifteen honors students were exposed to the instruments of paranormal communication – pendulums, dowsing rods, mediums...
The Ticking of the Clock
We tiptoed into the dark room, made our circle, and stood in the calm repetition of the clock. She turned on her voice recorder and began to talk: “The spirit in this room, I will ask you a series of questions and I would like you to answer them honestly. When we are done, and we want to leave, remember that you are not allowed to leave with us, you must stay here.”

A Skeptic’s View on Ghost Hunting
Why would a skeptic want to go on a ghost hunt in the first place? One might say that it is an exercise in futility, so there is no point in the hunt itself. But there is always a powerful question though looming in everybody’s mind: what if?