Nevada: A Bellwether to Watch

Nevada: A Bellwether to Watch

Historically, Nevada has been known to volley back and forth between Democrats and Republicans, but in recent elections one can see a definite blue trend. Nevadans voted for the Democratic candidate in the last three Presidential elections, supporting Clinton in 2016 and Obama in both his terms.

Ohio and the Battle of Economic Populism

Ohio and the Battle of Economic Populism

Since 1992, Ohio has been a bellwether in presidential elections, with each winning candidate carrying the state. In 2016, Ohio followed the trend by supporting President Trump by an astonishing 8.1 points in the polls. Now, as Biden seemingly gains in the polls against Trump, Trump’s substantive victory in the state four years ago remains an important context.

Virginia Continues to Turn Blue

Virginia Continues to Turn Blue

In Virginia, Biden is highly favored to win. Local polls have him up over ten points since the beginning of October. Virginia’s 13 electoral votes went to Secretary Clinton in 2016 and President Obama in both 2012 and 2008.