“Beer and Cheese”: My Interview with Soccer Legend Eusébio 

“Beer and Cheese”: My Interview with Soccer Legend Eusébio 

Eusébio quickly discovered that I wasn’t going to ask him about his toughest opponent, his favorite victory or his bitterest defeat. Rather, as a social historian, I wanted to know what these migrant laborers–as I consider them in my book–did before and after they left the pitch. How did they navigate Portuguese society as members of a minute racial minority in the metropole?

Where Was King Richard III When You Needed Him?

Where Was King Richard III When You Needed Him?

By Laurent Bellaiche and Daniel Kennefick Richard III, King of England, died in August 1485 at the Battle of Bosworth Field, which was the decisive battle that concluded the Wars of the Roses. Strikingly, his remains were lost for more than 500 years, until they were...
Rethinking U.S. Data Privacy Rules

Rethinking U.S. Data Privacy Rules

There’s a constant push and pull between giving up data to receive a better product and restricting data for security reasons. So, what should the government be doing to further secure the privacy of its people?