by srkirby | Feb 21, 2018 | English, Italy, Path Program, Uncategorized
Senior English major and Path student Mykayla Bowser spent her summer at The University of Arkansas’ Rome Center. While she was there, she took advantage of everything her new environment had to offer, finding value in both the grandeur of Rome’s ancient...
by klw038 | Jul 5, 2017 | Advice/Tips, College of Engineering, Computer Science Engineering, Honors College Study Abroad Grant, Italy, Uncategorized
Austin Kreulach, a rising computer science junior, recently spent two weeks of his summer in southern Italy with a program led by Dr. Dave Fredrick and Dr. Rhodora Vennarucci. Throughout his time, Austin learned how to map, how to pack, and most importantly how to...
by | Aug 6, 2015 | College of Engineering, Honors College Study Abroad Grant, Industrial Engineering, Italy, Study Abroad
Ciao, amici! My name is Anna Hudgeons and I spent a month of my summer studying abroad in Rome, Italy. Although my major is industrial engineering, I decided to vary my experiences by enrolling in an art lecture/art history course and a basic photography course while...
by | Feb 10, 2014 | Classical Studies, Italy, J.William Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences, Study Abroad
Darby Guinn, honors English and journalism major, took her January intersession course abroad in Rome. Darby was one of 15 students who worked with classics professor David Fredrick to establish narrative and initial level designs for an online, game-centered...
by | Feb 3, 2014 | Chemical Engineering, College of Engineering, Italy, Study Abroad
Honors chemical engineering student Nick Kordsmeier spent his summer studying the masterpieces of Michelangelo and Caravaggio, learning Italian from native Romans, hiking the still-active Mt. Vesuvius, and eating some of the world’s best gelato. Here is an...
by | Jun 5, 2012 | Advice/Tips, Architectural Studies, Fay Jones School of Architecture, France, History, Italy, Study Abroad
Honors architectural studies/history major Hannah Breshears is studying urban design this summer in London, Paris and Rome. She is a regular Honors College blogger. A word to the wise: If you’re traveling anywhere in Europe, wear decent shoes! I’ve been...