The Voice of God is the Sound of Terror (And All Other Wonderful Things)
William Donnell-Lonon is a sophomore data science student studying computational data analytics at the University of Arkansas Honors College. While he chooses to pursue a technology-focused degree, his passion lies in music and sound, and his ultimate goal is to act...
Circles and Cycles: The Sacred Geometry of the Old Testament
Jenna Burns is a freshman Communication Sciences and Disorders and Spanish student with a minor in Religious Studies. When she’s not researching multilingual speech therapy as an Honors College Fellow, she’s practicing Brazilian Jiu-jitsu down the road from campus or...
Exploring Music from the Mountains
“Though I brought a different style of music to the group, I didn’t feel like such an outsider when we were all playing together. It certainly wasn’t home, but at least I didn’t feel so alone.”

The Problem that Surrounds Us
Plastic is everywhere. If you look around your environment, you’ll find that many of the products you use are at least partially made of plastic.

Choice at the End of Life
“A person being able to choose when and how they die can be an empowering and dignifying thing. Whether you agree with this practice or not, what can be the harm of thinking of the idea?”