Mastering Independence in Ireland
If studying abroad has shown me anything it is that I can do it: I can make my way in the world.
If studying abroad has shown me anything it is that I can do it: I can make my way in the world.
Just walking to my homestay from class it was not abnormal for me to cross paths with a baboon, which almost seemed to be the Ugandan version of squirrels on the U of A campus.
This trip was one of tangible learning; it was not uncommon for the group to sit among the rubble of some ancient place in the late afternoon as we listened to lectures on its past glory.
“It’s also very humbling and full circle to have grown up as a club kid, and now I get to advocate for kids like me.”
“The diversity of terms of God’s dwelling place in the bible like “house,” “sanctuary,” and “mountain” could all be interpreted as physical manifestations on Earth of God’s presence unconfined to a literal temple structure.”
“The true beauty of the city came to me through the deeply-rooted memories and emotions which are sewn into the fabric of the city by those residents who have lived through decades of the city’s history.”