by | Jan 29, 2014 | Advice/Tips, Finals
Finals week: the week where we all walk around like zombies and eat Doritos or whatever two-month-old frozen dinner we have left in our freezer. This is the week where we stop remembering to smile or leave our apartment or change out of our pajamas. You are probably...
by | Nov 27, 2013 | Advice/Tips, Finals
I made a B on my French quiz. What if I make a B in the class? What if I do worse on my next French quiz? What if I make a C in French class and a B in another class and my GPA drops and then I might not graduate with honors … Sound familiar? This, ladies and...
by Nathan Smith | Dec 7, 2011 | Advice/Tips, English, Finals, J.William Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences
After being a physics major for 3 and a half years I decided to add on an English major just for kicks (and so that I would have a reason/time to read and enjoy some great books!) After some essay tests I’ve gathered a couple of suggestions that might be useful to you...
by Nathan Smith | Dec 5, 2011 | Advice/Tips, Finals, J.William Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences, Physics
As a physics major I’ve had my fair share of physics and mathematics tests. They can be pretty crazy, but there are some things you can do to prepare yourself. These are just a few of the tips that have worked for me! I hope they help you too. ~AJ Salois MATH-BASED...