Making Connections: 5 Q’s with Jackson Burnett
Jackson Burnett is a fifth-year honors student double-majoring in German and mechanical engineering. He recently spent a year on a study abroad adventure that consisted of six months of language and engineering classes at the Technische Universitat Darmstadt...The Power of a Pausa
“It was worth pushing through the unknown to experience all that Spain offered. I wish that I had understood beforehand that friends are a guarantee, as I never felt lonely, and eventually the unknown becomes known.”
Sleepless in Cambridge: A Recount of HackMIT 2023
Mitchell Bylak is an Honors College Fellow from Fayetteville, AR, studying computer science. This fall, he participated in the HackMIT hackathon, one of the world’s largest undergraduate hackathons hosted at the Massachusetts Institue of Technology. Over the weekend,...Coding for Good: 5 Q’s with Ananya Vangoor
Ananya Vangoor is a third year Bodenhamer fellow and recipient of the Arkansas Governor’s Scholarship from Bentonville, Arkansas, majoring in computer science and mathematics. This fall, she competed in JP Morgan Chase & Co.’s national CodeForGood Hackathon, where...Seeking Out the Scary Experiences
“My advice? Go for the crazy, far-out opportunities. If you had told my freshman self that I would complete an internship at Harvard University, I think I would’ve laughed in your face. The fear of being under-qualified should not deter you; your unique experiences and perspective have equipped you far more than you think.”