by Nathan Smith | Oct 13, 2017 | Careers, Events
Andrew Palmer, a freshman pre-med major and Bodenhamer Fellow from Bentonville, Arkansas, had the distinction of being selected as our inaugural Dean for a Day. Andrew won on the strength of his campaign video and accompanying graphics, which paint a bright future for...
by | Aug 23, 2016 | Careers, Chemical Engineering, College of Engineering, Internships, Path Program
If you forget any of your safety equipment, you’re likely to get a firm nudge before you pass the first production line. The workers tromp around in steel-toed boots, goggles and hairnets while automated machines whir to life about them. This isn’t exactly...
by | Aug 19, 2015 | Art, Careers
And want to share it? Send us your drawings, prints, paintings, photos, zines or any other creative effort you have polished to perfection. All submissions will be considered for publication in a wide range of venues, including A+ Magazine, the Honors College...
by Nathan Smith | Mar 14, 2014 | 5 Questions, Careers, Events, J.William Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences, Music, On Campus
Pianist Jura Margulis has won international acclaim for his compellingly communicative performances, as well as for the range of his tonal palette and his consummate virtuosity. He has performed around the world for 35 years and has recorded twelve CDs covering a wide...
by | Jan 29, 2014 | Advice/Tips, Careers, Research, Research Travel
You’ve received an Honors College Travel grant to attend the annual meeting of the American Society for Horticultural Science in Waikoloa, Hawaii. Or maybe you’re a history major, and you’ve got a travel grant to fund research at the Lyndon Baines Johnson...
by Nathan Smith | Sep 3, 2013 | Advice/Tips, Careers, Honors College Research Grant, Honors College Study Abroad Grant, SURF grant
Dreaming of studying abroad in Barcelona next summer, or need help with the plane ticket to present your work at a national conference? The Honors College can help. We give out $500,000 – $1 million in grants each year, and the place to start in creating a...